Legal notices and credits

Legal notices and credits

Head office : SYNIA, 2 Rue du Perpignan, ZAC Descartes, 34880 LAVERUNE
Phone number : +33 (0)
Commercial contact : Sylvain MAILLARD

By accessing this website, you acknowledge having taken cognizance of these information and general conditions of use and accept them.

I- Creation
This website was designed and produced by Bodéva

II- Web hosting
Ce site est hébergé par :
393, rue charles lindbergh – 34130 Mauguio

III- Pictures
Photo credit: Fotolia

IV – Protection granted by copyright
This website is protected by the French and international legislation in term of copyright. Any representation or reproduction of all or part of this website or the information on this site without permission is illegal and constitutes an infringement punishable criminally by the provisions of the code of intellectual property.

V- Protection of the trademarks and logos
Any use without permission of one or more trademarks and/or logos or visuals of this website is illegal and constitutes an infringement which is sanctionned by the provisions of the code of intellectual property. Logos, visuals and trademarks found on this website are the property of their respective owner.
The user acknowledges that the use of the website is regulated by French law.

VI- Hyperlinks
External hypertext links established under this portal and the contents of the third party sites to which they point cannot engage the responsibility of the company. The society accepts no responsibility for the information presented on these other websites.

VII- Personal data processing

According to the law of 6 January 1978, amended on 6 August 2004, so-called law “Informatiques et Libertés” (Information Technologies and Freedom) relating to files and freedoms and the article 43 of the law of 30 September 1986, this website was the subject of a declaration to the National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties (CNIL) under the number.
The personal data collected on the site are the result of a voluntary disclosure of an e-mail address when sending a message. The collected emails are only used to send back the information requested.
The company keeps the email addresses confidential and secure for a period not exceeding 1 year. The collected email addresses will be subject of no transfer or treatment from the company.
In accordance with article 34 of the “Informatiques et Libertés” Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended on 6 August 2004, you have a right of access to modify, correct and delete the data which concerns you. You can try this through a simple request by writing to the following address :

SYNIA, 2 Rue du Perpignan, ZAC Descartes, 34880 LAVERUNE

VIII- Cookies
What is a cookie?
Cookie is a small text file dropped on your computer when you visit a website. Their aim is to collect information about your navigation on the site and send you personalized services.

You can disable the cookies according to your browser :

a/ You use the Internet Explorer browser
In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, click Internet Options.
Under the tab General, under Browsing history, click Settings.
Click the Show files button.
Click the Name column header to sort all the files in alphabetical order, and then scroll down the list until you see files that begin with the prefix “cookie” (cookies have this prefix and usually contain the name of the Web site that created the cookie).
Select the cookies containing the wording “Society” and delete them
Close the window that contains the list of the files, and then click OK two times to return to Internet Explorer.

b/ You use the Google Chrome browser
Click on the Tools menu.
Select Options.
Click the Advanced Options tab and navigate to the privacy section.
Click the Show cookies button.
Find the files that contain the name “Society”, select them and delete them.
Click close to return to your browser.

c/ You use the Firefox browser
Go to the Tools tab of the browser and select the Options menu
In the window that appears, select Privacy and click on View cookies
Find the files containing the name “Society”, select them and delete them.

d/ You use the Safari browser
In your browser, choose Edit menu > Preferences.
Click Security.
Click Show cookies.
Select cookies that contain the “Society” name and click Delete or delete all.
After you have deleted the cookies, click Done.

IX- Various
Synia reserves the right to change this notice at any time. It is therefore necessary to consult it regularly.
The law applicable to the website is the French right.
For any dispute, exclusive attribution of jurisdiction is made to the competent courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Montpellier.