Interns testimonials

Juliette Soula


1st year student of the “Marketing and Communication of Organizations” Master at Montpellier Management School.

20 weeks internship.

temoignage stagiaire synia rse social
temoignage stagiaire synia rse social

Mélia Bounzel

2nd year student of DUT Sciences and Engineering of Materials at the IUT of Nîmes.

11 weeks internship.

Ericka Andriamasinoro

Previously administrative and technical assistant in the building sector, she is now in professional retraining to orient herself as “Quality, Safety, Environment and Sustainable Development Manager”.

7 weeks internship.

temoignage stagiaire synia rse social
temoignage stagiaire synia rse social

Axelle Le Letty

Double degree student Architect-engineer at ENSA Montpellier / IMT Alès.

6 weeks internship.

Léa Pheulpin

Student with a BTech in “Marketing Techniques”, a Bachelor in “Event Project Manager” and a Master in “Communication Manager”.

Work-study one year.

temoignage stagiaire synia rse social
temoignage stagiaire synia rse social

Louis Charles

General Engineer student at IMT Mines Alès in the Energy, Environment and Risks (EER) department.

6 weeks internship.

Valentin Jourdan

Bac pro Production of Printed and Plurimedia Products (PPPR).

3 6week internships from 2017 till 2019.

temoignage stagiaire synia rse social

Antoine Favre Félix

General Engineer student at IMT Mines Alès in the Energy, Environment and Risks (EER) department.

6 weeks internship.

Ryan Simon

Chemistry student at the University of Montpellier.

1 week internship.

temoignage stagiaire synia rse social


Sÿnia is committed to recruiting and training students during their training to help them find their professional path and enrich their experiences.
Our sector of activity allows us to receive students from different courses and from various sectors: printing, DTP, trimmer, communication & marketing, etc.


Speculative application